On 07/31/2013 03:27 AM, Christian Horn
I use 'pavucontrol' as mixer for pulseaudio, it seems to be
installed on kubuntu too.
This will help to show the available output sources and whether
output is reaching pulseaudio or not.
Which, as I'd mentioned previously, I had installed ... but it
didn't allow me to separately control the hardware in Skype.
However, after a lot more digging, and Ubuntu Forums coming back
online after their big hacking problem, I found the following fix,
which works, completely in as well as it did in older
versions a couple of years ago when this was first posted:
there's an easier way
to make skype (i'm using not use pulseaudio -
there's no need to uninstall or disable pulse:
create an executable file
with the following content:
PULSE_SERVER= /usr/bin/skype &
don't forget to also change the desktop file so that the new
script will be called when choosing skype from the start
edit file /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop
and change
PULSE_SERVER is a way to tell skype to use a pulse instance
on a machine other than the local.
invalid values (e.g. empty string) make skype interrupt the
startup and quit - so we give the local adress which is
valid but obviously pulse runs at user level so it's not
reachable via network, even not on the local machine.
skype tries to use pulse but cannot reach/connect to it and
falls back to alsa.
the result on ubuntu natty is that pulse continues to work
unmodified and skype can be configured to use whatever you
want to 

the real problem - at least in my case - wasn't skype. the
strange distortion came from somewhere below and was
noticeable also in some other programs.
the real solution for my case was not to disable
pulseaudio but to fix it: edit file /etc/pulse/default.pa
and change
load-module module-udev-detect
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0
see http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/BrokenSoundDrivers
Last edited by
thomas.horner; July 26th, 2011 at 08:11 AM.