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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Unity is on top of GNOME (was Re: SUSE wipeout! (Add /home partition in Ubuntu))
- Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2011 17:54:27 +0900
- From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
- Subject: [tlug] Unity is on top of GNOME (was Re: SUSE wipeout! (Add /home partition in Ubuntu))
- References: <> <> <> <> writes: > On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 18:29:24 +0200, Josh Glover <> wrote: > > > Is Unity GNOME underneath ... ? > > Yup. Unity is a shell for GNOME. [1] I think what people need to remember here is that GNOME is a stack of protocols, just like TCP/IP. We talk about the WWW, but what happens inside the computer is when we click on a link is The X server sends an event to Firefox, which is caught by the XUL. The Firefox XUL code tells the XUL interpreter where the click was The XUL interpreter parses the URL and sends the domain name to the resolver The resolver requests a socket from the kernel to talk to DNS The socket driver sends the DNS's address etc to the UDP driver The UDP driver sends a UDP packet and the address to the IP driver The IP driver creates a raw IP packet and sends it to the device driver The device driver sends the raw packet to the device firmware The device firmware adds an ethernet header and squirts it all out on the wire. Have you noticed that we don't even know the IP address of the webserver yet, in fact we're waiting for it at this point? ;-) Sounds *insanely* complicated to the naive, but in fact such protocol stacks are an excellent way of managing complexity so that each level is simple enough for a human being to implement. I'm not familiar with what the various GNOME protocols all do, but there are things like notifiers for specific events that usually depend on reliable local IPC busses (dbus), there are window managers and session managers etc. I also have a suspicion that the GNOME protocols were designed to suck. But that's probably just the curmudgeon in me. <wink /> Now, in the case of the WWW stack, the user only sees the browser, and most users I know (outside of TLUG :-) call the browser "my Internet". They don't notice the desktop behind the browser, let alone the X protocol behind the desktop. Similarly, users who understand that the desktop is software see the window manager ("what you see and where"), and the session manager ("what programs are running"), but the lower level protocols of GNOME (KDE, Mac OS, Windows) are not visible to them. However, in an open source system it's very much possible to share those lower level protocols among different window or session managers (but only one of which can run at a time without craziness happening), and that's what Unity does. In this, Unity is very different from Wayland. Unity is a very high level "shell" (basically a combination of window manager and session manager), and it uses the underlying components of the GNOME stack to provide the services it needs to gather information to display to the user, and the pass user commands to the session. Wayland, OTOH, is a low-level display service intended to short-circuit parts of the GNOME stack (specificially, those related to the display server (eg, /usr/bin/X) and window management, especially compositing), in order to increase performance. > [1] Mark Shuttleworth scares me. I think I'm going to continue to avoid *buntu.... <wink />
- References:
- Re: [tlug] SUSE wipeout! (Add /home partition in Ubuntu)
- From: Raedwolf Summoner
- Re: [tlug] SUSE wipeout! (Add /home partition in Ubuntu)
- From: Josh Glover
- [tlug] Unity is on top of GNOME (was Re: SUSE wipeout! (Add /home partition in Ubuntu))
- From: jep200404
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