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Re: [tlug] In the beginning there is GRUB... or is there another?

> Pretty good idea. I booted from my Ubuntu 10.04 live CD, and it got to 
> the purple Ubuntu splash screen, way, way faster than when I boot off 
> the hard drive. ...
> If Darren's theory is right, and I think it is, this indicates strongly 
> that the blame is with my Ubuntu install, not a BIOS issue.

Unless the 30 second time-out was waiting for the CD to time-out before
it can boot from hard-disk!
So, as a test, change boot order in the bios so it boots from hard-disk
first, and see if it still takes 30 seconds to boot. (I think Christian
also suggested this.)


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer  (Shodan Go Bet - who will win?) (About me and my work) (My blogs and articles)

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