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Re: [tlug] low power home server

> It's all cool stuff you suggested and it really helps. I realized it's
> not such a good idea to have my storage on the same box as the router,
> in terms of security,  so I'll definitely go with a router + NAS setup
> (separate boxes). ...

The counter-arguments are:
 * Two boxes ruins your goal of low-power;
 * Are your files any safer if your router is compromised, if the files
 are on local LAN as opposed to local disk?

Yes, okay, theoretically they are safer as you would configure the NAS
to not allow access from the router IP address. But, more practically,
if all your configuration is perfect then your router isn't going to be
compromised anyway, and the point is moot.

But one interesting idea is one box, two OS: one for the router, one for
the NAS and everything else.


Darren Cook, Software Researcher/Developer  (Shodan Go Bet - who will win?) (About me and my work) (My blogs and articles)

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