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Re: [tlug] (OT) SEO - human readable url

On Jan 7, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Edward Middleton wrote
I don't think you are going to get a definitive answer on this from
anyone, except possibly someone doing research at Google,  or are you
just after subjective assessments?  Looking at the PageRank wikipedia
True, only the search engine people have definitive answers, and even  
then, the final rank is the result of a mixture of items.
Maybe I'm more after people's experiences in this.
Things like "Oh, we changed to readable/restful urls and now we come on top of every search!!" ... not... ;-)
page[1], it looks like actual search results use a SERP rank which is a
combination of PageRank and browsing habits + alpha ;)
Yay, Wikipedia to the rescue! Quite a good read, actually.


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