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Re: [tlug] East German computing [was: Re: Linux 7 year ago?]

2009/12/22 Ian Barwick <>:
> 2009/12/22 Christian Horn <>:
>> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 07:17:57PM +0900, Henri Servomaa wrote:
>>> On Dec 21, 2009, at 4:40 PM, Christian Horn wrote:
>>> > My first system was a KC 85/3, East Germanys Z80 clones.  They were
>>> > produced directly in my hometown, Muehlhausen.
>>> East Germany!??!
>>> Holy cow, I drove a Peugeot504 to Berlin right after the wall came down....
>>> And that's a LONG TIME ago...
>> About right time for me to have seen socialist life and then
>> having doors opening for the real world :)
> I was in Berlin at the end of 1991 as an impoverished student with an
> illegally-let apartment to "furnish" and got wind of an "end of era"
> sale of government surplus stuff in the former Stasi HQ. Among the
> many bargains was a Robotron PC clone which I was very tempted by, but
> practical considerations got in the way. (I did acquire a nice flag of
> the sort meant for hanging on the side of the building which made a
> useful curtain). I have acquired a few GDR computer handbooks along
> the way though.

On which note there is an article on the Spiegel website about
"home computers" in the GDR, in German only but with a gallery
with a few images of East German computers including the KC 85

Ian Barwick

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