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[tlug] What's the deal with these encodings? (Was: Japanese font for PDF files)

 > The thing is that it asks for these "Maps"... things like "cp1252",
 > "iso-8859-1", or "koi8-u".

These are probably "cmaps".  These are probably files in someplace
like /usr/share/ghostscript/8.70/Resource/CMap/.

Without more information on what you mean by "ask" (interactive
prompt? configuration directions in the README? telepathy bomb to the
cerebellum?) I can't tell you how to tell the program what to do.

 > There seems to be no option for Japanese and/or utf-8 encodings.

Then you are probably out of luck; the people who built the app
most likely decided that Japanese information processing is too insane
to be worth dealing with just because someone might use it.

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