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Re: [tlug] Anyone seen this gizmo yet?

Godwin Stewart wrote:
On 01/09/09 13:00, Sotaro Kobayashi wrote:

Surprisingly, I have not met any Japanese man or woman
who knows what NMAP can do and how it works on MS Windows.
I don't find that surprising at all.

If you pull someone off the street at random in any country and ask them if
they know what nmap can reveal, I can guarantee that you'll get that "deer
in the headlights" look 99% of the time at least. A huge number of "average
Joe" users don't even know what software they're using, let alone the
operating system, so you can't expect them to know their way around network
inspection tools.

Ahh... Thanks for comments.
People should be more informed about securty vulnerabilty all over the world :-(

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