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Re: [tlug] Kubuntu 8.04 -> 8.10 Upgrade "Problems" [SOLUTION]

Francois Cartegnie wrote:

I rebooted and ... I see the "This is your PC on drugs" background, but
no combobox asking for entering my user ID or my password.  I have
rebooted using the repair function for the latest kernel, and have run

I don't use ubuntu, but what I can guess is that your X session is stuck at the display manager which might be kdm.
Try: shutdown your X server from a virtual console, run startx as user and/or as root. You'll see if the problem is with the session manager (kde will be launched), or the display manager (will be stuck too).

On my ThinkPad R61, Kubuntu 8.10 does not seem to like any combination of the programs that I like to use, particularly anything Python powered nor any of my Python development toolkits. Adept also seems to be especially Not Ready for Prime Time.

I took out the DVD's containing the saved copy of the previous install of 8.04 and replaced 8.10 with 8.04 ... and have not had a single crash or failure since doing so. YMMV.


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