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Re: [tlug] RMS is at it again...again

On 2008-10-03 17:10 +0900 (Fri), Edward Middleton wrote:

> Well you had the information before you input it into the system.

I did not have the e-mail you sent me, and I never put it into the
system. You did. :-)

> > Sure, there is. You can keep local copies of the data and do
> > comparisons. I doubt that this cheap, though.
> And then what?  People got your information from the SNS, not your
> backup, the onus is on you to prove that your backup is the
> authoritative source.

On whom the "onus" lands is a social thing, and quite orthogonal to who
writes the software runs the servers, it seems to me. And while your
particular example of an SNS might be arguable (though I disagree with
it--if the SNS says my middle name is "Joe", and you believe it, that's
your problem; I feel no onus to prove differently to you), but keep
in mind we're talking about a very diverse variety of services here,
from e-mail to prospect management to backups, to a whole load of other

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