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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2008 20:53:43 +0900
- From: Wayne <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- References: <1220758517.2415.12.camel@Beerislife> <> <1220855751.2404.7.camel@Beerislife> <> <1220862938.2404.14.camel@Beerislife> <> <1220867907.2404.22.camel@Beerislife> <>
On Mon, 2008-09-08 at 19:58 +0900, Ian Wells wrote: > If you were to happen to find yourself at the next meeting, I think we > might have to form ourselves a special interest group. Though in > fact, it might well be a general interest group. ;-) Umm. I find it hard to get to meetings, even Tokyo BEERS ones :( I think it comes down to being shy. That usually wears off after a coupla beers though :) > Also, there are other places in England than London, many of them with > cheaper hotels and very fine beer festivals all of their own (and > sensible closing times). Wrong time of year at the moment, mind. I > believe you'd be wanting a flight to Munich, in fact... Yes, the Oktoberfest has always been on my "to-do" list but as usual, the empty state of my wallet has to be taken into consideration :) Actually, I am from London and I have family there but their accommodation is a little cramped for my beer-belly and they smoke :( In 2005 I went on a beer safari to London with a good friend who is now back in Hawaii after getting his brewing diploma from the Seibel Institute of Technology in Chicago. I wanted to take him out of London, but time and budget were short :( For beer info back in Blighty I subscribe to: Wayne
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Christian Horn
- References:
- [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Wayne
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Wayne
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Nguyen Vu Hung
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Wayne
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Ian Wells
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Wayne
- Re: [tlug] OT: Beer Festival
- From: Ian Wells
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