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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] OpenSolaris Seminar about dtrace & compiler
- Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 21:33:18 +0900
- From: Hisayoshi Kato <>
- Subject: [tlug] OpenSolaris Seminar about dtrace & compiler
- User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080421)
Hi, Last Saturday, I've really enjoyed for presenting DTrace at TLUG. I saw some people have an interesting about DTrace. If you're interested in it more, we'd like to let you know about OpenSolaris Seminar . OpenSolaris Seminar is provided by Sun in Japan. We provide it once a month. Friday(7/25), we'll provide OpenSolaris Seminar. Topics are Performance Analysis by DTrace and Compiler. I'll have a talk about Peroformance Analysis by japanese in a hour. The ohter topic is compiler and Peroformance Tool by English. This topics are talked by the auther(Darryl Gove) of Solaris Application Programming. In this seminar, some food and drink at this seminar are provided. If you interested in this seminar, please check with the following URL. Regards Hisayoshi Kato
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