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Re: [tlug] search for fulltext-searchengine

2008/5/19 Christian Horn <>:
> Hi,
> i look for software that fullfills those requirements:
> - provide a knowledge-database via webinterface to users
> - provide a search-function that indexes
>   - the knowledge-database contents
>   - and office-documents, pdf, textfiles in a directory
> - be able to do all this with kanji
> Will look into debugging this, or into other searchengines.
> Maybe some of you have similiar requirements and good ideas for
> other software to use.

I once built a Japanese-capable search function using Lucene[1], and
ChaSen [2] to analyze / tokenize the Japanese inputs. It was rather a
nasty hack involving embedding Java in Perl, but functioned pretty
well for a couple of days work. I think there's an addon CJK analyzer
/ tokenizer for Lucene but don't know how well it works [3].

Probably not the answer you're looking for, but I thought it might be
worth mentioning.


Ian Barwick

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