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Re: [tlug] Cross-posting (by Deepan): Why?

On May 4th, Josh wrote:

> 2008/5/4 SL Baur <> [wrote]:
> > Which are SPAM in Linux land.  I checked all three of them.  The first
> > link is a web site that duplicates KDE and GNOME Sudoku without
> > source and without features.  The Tower of Hanoi has been part of Emacs
> > since before many Linux users *were born* [...]
> Sure, but I can see the value of reimplementing them as a programming
> exercise. I've been working on a C++ version of Tetris just for that
> reason.

Of course, there can be multiple reasons for reinventing the wheel. 
Here's where an author discusses a possible commercial opportunity:

Here's a reply to someone else, apparently from Deepan:

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