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Re: [tlug] Why Vista Sucks (was: linux: it's becoming ubiquitous)

On 3/25/08, Godwin Stewart <> wrote:

> Furthermore, the author was trying to make the point that you can't write a
>  browser that's supposed to behave in a standards-compliant way when the
>  standards don't actually say how a page using those standards is supposed
>  to render.

No, you completely miss the point too, because that *is* the point.

The standards don't specify that because HTML was not designed or intended
to be a visual rendering standard.  NOR SHOULD IT BE.

What does page "layout" have to do with rendering content to blind people
(I've seen and heard TV Ramen's Emacspeak in action through W3)?  I want
a World Wide Web that anyone can access and that is the way it was originally
designed.  Netscape started the perversion with <blink> and Microsoft
continued it.  A pox on them all!


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