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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] unicode font with czech and japanese characters
- Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 17:27:20 +0200
- From: Michal Hajek <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] unicode font with czech and japanese characters
- References: <> <> <> <>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.5.16 (2007-06-11)
* Stephen J. Turnbull ( [070814 16:24]: > fc-list | grep 'cs|.*ja\|ja|.*cs' | cut -b 1-72 $ fc-list | grep 'cs|.*ja\|ja|.*cs' | cut -b 1-72 $ this unfortunately gives nothing too. Which seems a bit weird sinc you write > In general, though, it looks like most of the Japanese fonts I have > claim to handle Czech. there is no "man fc-list" and fc-list --help gives little help too. $fc-list gives a lot of output. I get something like this [1]: ---cut here--- Times New Roman:style=Bold Italic,Negreta cursiva,tučné kurzíva,fed kursiv,Fett Kursiv,Έντονα Πλάγια,Negrita Cursiva,Lihavoitu Kursivoi,Gras Italique,Félkövér dőlt,Grassetto Corsivo,Vet Cursief,Halvfet Kursiv,Pogrubiona kursywa,Negrito Itálico,Полужирный Курсив,Tučná kurzíva,Fet Kursiv,Kalın İtalik,Krepko poševno,nghiêng đậm,Lodi etzana LMRoman10:style=Bold New Century Schoolbook:style=Regular Nimbus Sans L:style=Bold Condensed Italic LMTypewriter10:style=Light URW Bookman L:style=Demi Bold Italic LMRoman10:style=BoldItalic VL Gothic,VL ゴシック:style=regular DejaVu Serif:style=Book ---cut here--- According to this kind of output I can guess which fonts support which languages. For example string "tučné kurzíva" or "Tučná kurzíva" sugest czech language (although I have no idea if those two strings mean diferent set of characters or something diferent alltogether). ゴシック suggests Japanese. So based on your claim above (Japanese fonts handle Czech) I have tried XTerm*faceName: Sazanami Mincho in my .Xdefaults [2] And indeed I could see both Czech and Japanese displayed on my terminal. That is great and it is definitely a step towards final solution (prove of concept I would say). So is there any better way of selecting suitable font than going through all Japanese fonts and try them? I suppose the 16 in "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-16" string is for pointsize? [1] which partly explains why I get nothing from the suggested command [2] I have .Xdefaults instead .Xresources. That should not hurt anything, right? Best regards Michal
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] unicode font with czech and japanese characters
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- References:
- [tlug] unicode font with czech and japanese characters
- From: Michal Hajek
- [tlug] unicode font with czech and japanese characters
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
- Re: [tlug] unicode font with czech and japanese characters
- From: Michal Hajek
- Re: [tlug] unicode font with czech and japanese characters
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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