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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] [IME] :P Which IME does everyone use?
- Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 07:53:32 -1000
- From: Bart Mathias <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] [IME] :P Which IME does everyone use?
- References: <>
- User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20070116) wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: [ Behalf Of Scott Robbins Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2007 9:30 AM To: Tokyo Linux Users Group Subject: Re: [tlug] [IME] :P Which IME does everyone use?
However in an alpha of the latest Ubuntu (something Gibbon) I did the
In .bashrc
export XMODIFIERS='@im=SCIM' export LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8
That was part of what I was complaining about. For me, doing that is not so hard, but for the average user, who doesn't know an RC file from an email... Not so good ^^;
That describes me, and my question is probably far too broad to expect an answer for here, but the subject matter has lured me in.
Normally (simply because I know no better) I start a program in which I hope to type Japanese with$ LANG=ja_JP <program-name> &
99% of the time <program-name> is "mozilla-thunderbird" (Debian PPC version, 2.4.26). I have always done that so recently that I simply scroll up to it in Konsole.
Then when I first want to type Japanese, I ALT^F2 the command "kinput2 -canna -xim."
A few months ago I thought it would be nice if I could type Korean too. Discussion in another group led me to install SCIM and Anthy.
That enabled me to somewhat painfully enter Korean (with a hankul-mapped keyboard in the background so I could see what keys to press), but Japanese turned out to be an equal pain. So far as I can tell, to enter kana, I have to type, e.g., "k, a, <SP>, n, a, <SP>," where I'm used to what seems a simpler "k, a, n, a, <RET>" with Kinput. I hadn't felt the need to enter Korean for months, so I theoretically shouldn't even remember how to start the SCIM/Anthy business.
I chanced to start Thunderbird from Konsole a few days ago without the prefix. Lo and also behold! Up comes
----------------------------------------------------------------$ selected locale: en-US
Launching a SCIM daemon with Socket FrontEnd...
DOUBLE-CLICK: 250 --> -1 THRESHOLD: 8 --> -1 GTK Panel of SCIM 1.0.2
Starting as daemon ...
and there's the odd little icon in the panel I can click on to type my choice of Japanese, Korean, or English.
Puzzle #1 for me: Why does this happen, and why doesn't it happen with LANG=ja_JP on the front of the command (I would have thought I'd need something similar with maybe "anthy" replacing "kinput2")?
I have no plain .bashrc at all. I did find a /root/.bashrc and an /etc/bash.bashrc, but neither of them seem to have anything to do with the matter.
Maybe I'll just skip puzzle #2 through #n for now.
Bart Mathias
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] [IME] :P Which IME does everyone use?
- From: Scott Robbins
- References:
- RE: [tlug] [IME] :P Which IME does everyone use?
- From: burlingk
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