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Re: [tlug] [OT] MP3 Player usb support MACOS

On 7/23/2007, "Niels Kobsch将」tzki" <>

><snip more ipod is great and you can even use it under linux, too>
>please&#65533;not again a "to ipod or not to ipod"-discussion&#65533;

Pardon me if I've got this wrong, but wasn't the original question
specifically whether to get an iPod or some other, un-named player? And
for use with a Mac, no less? Ummm, let me see. Why, yes, it was?

Strikes me that since I have an iPod and a Mac and am using them
together, a response stating why an iPod may be the best choice is far
more on-topic and apropos than your rude and uncalled-for response.



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