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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] FireFox will no longer save login information
- Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2007 22:01:16 +0900
- From: Dave M G <>
- Subject: [tlug] FireFox will no longer save login information
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)
I have a plugin for FireFox that enables me to access turn on debug mode for Zend Studio within FireFox.
It was causing FireFox to have some errors, and after talking with the support staff at Zend, the solution turned out to be to shut down FireFox, move my FireFox settings folder out of its place in my home directory, then restart FireFox. This caused FireFox to recreate a setting directory with fresh, default settings.
This solved the Zend plugin problem, as it worked fine after that.
Since I still had my old settings directory backed up, so for some things, like my bookmarks, I copied them back in to the new settings folder. For other things, like my StumbleUpon plugin, I just made a fresh install.
However, since all this happened, I've lost the ability for FireFox to save stored login information, like usernames and passwords for sites that I access frequently. Since I do some web development, I'm always logging in and out of control panels and site management interfaces. So not having the ability to store login information is quite tedious.
Unfortunately, the Zend support staff would not provide any more assistance at this point, since it was no longer directly Zend related.
I've gone through the FireFox Preferences interface to ensure that the "Clear Private Data" settings does not clear saved passwords. I don't clear private data when closing FireFox.
Under "Security", in the "Passwords" section, I have "Remember passwords for sites" clicked on, and I have no exceptions listed.
Is there something I am missing or that I can try that anyone can suggest?
Thank you for any advice or help.
-- Dave M G Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 Kernel 2.6.20-16-386
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- Re: [tlug] FireFox will no longer save login information
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