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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] Linux / MacOS X and dv cameras
- Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 09:05:03 -0500
- From: Stuart Luppescu <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] Linux / MacOS X and dv cameras
- References: <>
On 金, 2007-07-20 at 07:43 +0900, Josh Glover wrote: > 2. Can list members recommend a camera that they own and that works > with Linux? (For capture, at least--editing is another issue.) Several years ago (about 4?), I bought a Sony digital-8 camera. I bought this kind because I had a ton of analog 8 mm video tapes from when the kids were very little, and the new camera could read them and output the video digitally using firewire. I thought I'd capture all the old tapes and write them to DVD. Some day I will get around to that.... When I first got it, kino did not handle the capture very well. You had to manually manipulate the tape control buttons on the camera: start capture in kino, push play on the camera, (come back in an hour), stop capture, push stop on the camera. Nowadays, pushing capture in kino starts the camera a-playing; pushing stop capture stops the camera. Moral of the story: video capture in Linux has come a long way. -- Stuart Luppescu -=-=- slu <AT> ccsr <DOT> uchicago <DOT> edu CCSR at U of C ,.;-*^*-;., (^_^)/ 才文と智奈美の父 Thank God I'm an atheist!Attachment: smime.p7s
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- Re: [tlug] Linux / MacOS X and dv cameras
- From: Lyle H Saxon
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- [tlug] Linux / MacOS X and dv cameras
- From: Josh Glover
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