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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: [tlug] In Moderation [was "the philosophy of Subj."]
- Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 22:14:34 +0900
- From: "Pietro Zuco" <>
- Subject: Re: [tlug] In Moderation [was "the philosophy of Subj."]
- References: <>
On 6/24/07, Roger Markus <> wrote:
Okay, since you completely agree that always changing the subject header is a good thing, I've taken the liberty of changing yours - I'm sure you don't mind.
He didn't say that it is a good thing or bad thing. Josh explained exactly what are the rules. Jim did it because he thought it was necessary and nobody else criticize that action. So please don't misunderstood the meaning of things.
I never had a problem looking for information with Dig even with the subject change and it don't happen so often.
Finally I think it's worst to use Capitals in your emails because that means you are talking at very high decibels and, let me say, that it is not polite even in a personal human conversation.
-- - Pietro Zuco (ピエトロ・ズコ) - - - Home page: - Photo Blog: - Linux User: 252836
- References:
- [tlug] In Moderation [was "the philosophy of Subj."]
- From: Roger Markus
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