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Re: [tlug] lesser kernel rpm install

> > to install kernel-2.6.18-8.1.4.el5
> > when I am running
> > 2.6.18-8.1.6.el5
> >
> > do I just use the -f option on rpm

ok it was rpm --force -ivh kernel*
> >
> > the lesser kernel has support for firewire which I'd like
> What do you mean by this? Do you mean support for a particular
> firewire device was in the 2.6.18-8.1.4.el5 and has since been
> deprecated?

uh, no the stock centos kernel doesn't have support but a centos-plus
repository (lesser version) does.

I'd read that using -U was not how to do it.

but the man page said

              Same as using --replacepkgs, --replacefiles, and

              Allow an upgrade to replace a newer package with an older

the google term I needed was "downgrade" kernel but I was really fried
and it didn't come to mind right away.

It seems centos has a yum plugin to do downgrades but I didn't have it



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