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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] server partitions, LVM, and Xen
- Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 13:09:12 +0900
- From: Micheal Cooper <>
- Subject: [tlug] server partitions, LVM, and Xen
Recently, we had a long thread on disk partitioning schemes, and though it depends on the use of the system, it would be great if there were some kind of general formula for deciding the best partition scheme.For swap, Red Hat suggests: if RAM < 2GB, swap = RAM*2; if RAM > 2GB, swap = RAM + 2GB. Red Hat also suggests that /boot need not be more than 100MB.I have asked TLUG about Xen before, and since I have RHEL5 CDs burned, an empty server, and a few months with which to experiment, I am thinking that I should try to make this a host machine for VMs. How do VMs play into the partitioning scheme? Does Xen demand more room on /tmp or /var or something like that?Also, how about LVM on servers? Since I am able to mess around a little, I booted from Dell's OpenManage to see how it would suggest setting up the partition table, and it uses standard partitions, no LVM. Is there a reason to avoid LVM on servers?Micheal CooperMiyazaki International College
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