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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] A favor to ask
- Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 00:26:15 +0900
- From: <>
- Subject: [tlug] A favor to ask
Title: MessageI was wondering if someone who has access to MPS mail would be willing to do me a small favor (when they have the time of course.)I am interested in acquiring the Gentoo LiveDVD, but it is currently too late for me to get it myself, unless I want to wait about four months (And of course it is not available at the Gentoo Store site). I was wondering if anyone would be willing to burn a copy and drop it in the mail. I would be willing to compensate in some way. (Paypal is easiest for me, but I am sure there are other options that would work).:P Ironically if I had decided a few weeks ago to get it, I could have downloaded it myself, but ships have absolutely dreadful bandwidth issues. We are not even physically out of port yet, and I already miss my ADSL.
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