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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Linux, Solaris & AIX
- Date: Tue, 06 Feb 2007 22:08:56 -0800
- From: Jason Hall <jason@??>
- Subject: [tlug] Linux, Solaris & AIX
- User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 4.0-cvs
I've been noticing a few job postings that ask for Solaris or AIX experience. I've never used either one. Since I'm looking for a new job, I've been talking to a couple recruiters and they don't seem to know the difference. They see Linux experience on my resume and say it's too bad I don't know Solaris or they might have something for me. How similar would Solaris and AIX be to linux? Is it feasible to get a Unix job using Solaris with Linux experience? - Jason
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- Re: [tlug] Linux, Solaris & AIX
- From: Uva Coder
- Re: [tlug] Linux, Solaris & AIX
- From: Erin D. Hughes
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