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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] [OT] NeoOffice-problem regarding input of Japanese or Korean
- Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:33:09 +0100
- From: Niels Kobschätzki <>
- Subject: [tlug] [OT] NeoOffice-problem regarding input of Japanese or Korean
I'm making this off-topic because it's only mac os x-related and not linux-related at all.
Once again I'm testing OpenOffice on Mac, now with NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3 Patch 12 (newest available). My problem is that when I put in Japanese or Korean and notice that I mistyped and then push backspace for deleting one "character" the whole conversion-process is stopped and I cannot convert that stuff anymore.
I type ãããã, but wanted to type çã I would usually do a backspace after the ã before I press space for converting to kanji and type ã and space. With the NeoOffice-version I use I'm not able anymore to convert the ããã after typing backspace.
The same with Korean. If I type ì but wanted to type ìì (makes no sense at all - just as an example), I would usually do a backspace by ì and would end up with ì. With NeoOffice I end up with nothing (whole syllable is deleted).
Is this the normal behaviour in NeoOffice or is it just because I'm using a Beta? This is really annoying espescially because I'm usually typing whole sentences in Japanese before I convert them (and in Korean I still do a lot of typos ;) )â
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