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- Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2007 10:50:37 +0100
- From: Michal Hajek <>
- Subject: [tlug] window redirection
- User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)
Hello, I have following question: Is it possible to start a _graphical_ application on remote machine, logout without stopping that application and than reconnect later again? How did I come to this question? A friend of mine does some CPU-intensive computation on Unix/Linux machine with a commercial application. The application runs several days and the machine is located away from my friend's office. He connects to the Unix/Linux machine from his windows station through a network with some kind of X-enabled terminal software. Unfortunately, time to time his windows machine dies or he simply needs to reboot or there is power-down in the office or whatever. In that case, the X-enabled terminal dies and the CPU-intensive computation on the Unix/Linux machine dies too. Which means a loss of (in worst case) several days of computation, since he has to reconnect [1] and start everything from scratch. I understand that this is a bit silly situation [2], but I do not mind staying at the general level, i.e. not to solve my friends problem, but to answer my question :) I imagine that there must be (inevitably) some kind of x-server running on windows machine and the CPU-intensive application connects to this x-server. Once the x-server is dead, the application cannot send it's requests to it and dies too. But than it might be possible to have some kind of "-inter-X-server", which would run on the Unix/Linux machine and forward request of that particular graphical application through network to my friend's windows machine (running his own x-server software). In case of windows crash, the "-inter-X-server" would simply pretend that the graphical application requests are fulfilled and later, after windows machine is up again, it would be possible to reconnect and get the application window displayed. Is such a concept possible? [1] it might be of some value, that he can reconnect from the same windows machine. i.e. he does not need to reconnect from different locations [2] silly because it would be much better if the application would have better log, without any need to see graphics. But the application is commercial and my friend does not have an access to source code (to improve logged info). I also suggested to run the graphics on the Unix/Linux itself (locally) and than take a snapshot time to time, but this is also not possible for bureaucrat reasons. Best regards Michal
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: [tlug] window redirection
- From: Botond Botyanszki
- Re: [tlug] window redirection
- From: Tapio Peltonen
- [tlug] window redirection
- From: Stephen J. Turnbull
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