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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]RE : Re: RE : Re: [tlug] "strange antipathy towards Unicode" . . . . . . . . (was: Re: Learn a Variety of Languages)
- Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 08:08:21 +0100 (CET)
- From: leon calvaud <>
- Subject: RE : Re: RE : Re: [tlug] "strange antipathy towards Unicode" . . . . . . . . (was: Re: Learn a Variety of Languages)
Curt Sampson <> a écrit :"Actually, it was just a bad example I chose, due to my misspelling and
the fact that I didn't have a French dictionary handy. However, if I've
done my research properly this time, you cannot tell which of the following
words are in French and which are in English:
deja vu"
yes i agree, some words are same. But i think recognizing the langage depends most of looking about the sentence, so if sentence is in english this one or 2 words are too in english.
Personnaly i don't have problems with that. maybe other people may have... i don't know much about this (just that all persons i met in France don't have problems with french/english)
"In the end, you can always find another application for which an
existing character set / character encoding / whatever standard will not
work. The important thing, if you want to be part of the world community
of computing, is to get a global standard that everyone accepts, is
reasonably easy to implement, and that doesn't do too bad a job."
i totally agree. Standards makes that people use same description of a thing/object/language. It's also useful for people. The problem is to make that all people use this standard...that's more difficult...especially in this case.
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