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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Anyone play games, like Doom 3, on Linux?
- Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 15:54:23 +0900
- From: Dave M G <>
- Subject: [tlug] Anyone play games, like Doom 3, on Linux?
- User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060728)
TLUG,I downloaded the demo version of Doom 3 for Linux the other day, and it worked amazingly well. Smooth rendering, fast load times... much better than I thought a game would be on Linux.So I thought, hey, this is cool, I'd like to play the whole thing.I hoped maybe I could buy and download online, but it seems that what one needs to do is buy the Windows retail version, then copy some files from the CDs and apply a Linux patch to get it to work.It sounds a little dodgy. Has anyone done this? Any problems? Was it automagic?And, further, does anyone know of a place to buy slightly older games like Doom 3? I think it came out in 2004, which in the gaming world means it's ancient history.There was a guy selling a copy (along with other games) on the Tokyo PC User's Group, but he never replied to my inquiries.I probably shouldn't invest too much time into making a game run on my system, as it will just eat time. And my printer still doesn't work... but all work and no play makes... um... something. I don't remember the rest of the quote. In any case, a few pointers on installing, playing, and acquiring games for Linux would be appreciated.Thanks for all your time and help. -- Dave M G Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Kernel Pentium D Dual Core Processor PHP 5, MySQL 5, Apache 2
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