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Re: [tlug] Interactions between English and Japanese OS'es/Networks.

-----Original Message-----
From: []?? Behalf Of Jim
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:21 PM
To: Tokyo Linux Users Group
Subject: Re: [tlug] Interactions between English and Japanese
OS'es/Networks. wrote:

>> I have seen places where people discuss English windows machines 
>> slowing down Japanese ethernet and WiFi networks.  

>So the problem is not just an issue with Wifi as the subject 
>suggests. Wifi is wiggly, especially with multiple machines 
>even without Japanese versus English issues. 

> By "Japanese ethernet and WiFi networks" do you mean 
>"ethernet and WiFi networks _of_ Japanese Windows machines"? 

>What kind of slow down is experienced? Is it all network traffic, 
>or is it just restricted to limited protocols, such as SMB/NMB? 

I have spoken to people who have experienced network slowdowns with 
Japanese machines on networks that expect English machines, and
vice versa.

I have also observer many of the internet cafe's have notices posted
that people caught using English versions of windows will be charged
heavy fees because it will slow down their entire network.

I was wondering what the cause of this effect was, and if it was
something that was specific to windows, or that could effect any of us
who are running English language operating systems.  :-)  I know that
the OS on my computer has some support for Japanese, but I am not sure
if that support translates to being cooperative on a network or not.

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