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Re: [tlug] [ANN] TLUG Special Nomikai feat. Heinz-M. Graesing

On Wed, 6 Sep 2006 13:59:34 +0900, "Josh Glover" <>

> > I don't think I'd manage to ask my three questions:
> Why not? They are good questions, and I for one would like to hear the
> answers.


> If you don't want to come, I'll make sure those questions get asked,
> and I'll jot down the answers before I get so drunk that I cannot
> remember them. :)

Definitely do post them here.

The French government has been pushing for more and more use of Open
Source software in government departments (while, at the same time,
killing itself trying to make FLOSS illegal, *sigh*). eg: is used throughout the French IRS and Gendarmerie.
Meanwhile, there are dissenting elements within government departments
who are scaremongering with details of how OOo's security is even more
vulnerable than that of M$-Office[0].

I'd be interested to hear Herr Gräsing's take on the issue.

[0] -

G. Stewart -

"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their
                -- Ken Olson, President of DEC, World Future Society
                   Convention, 1977

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