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Re: [tlug] Bittorrent Newbie

On Jan 20, 2006, at 4:05 PM, Josh Glover wrote:

> On 20/01/06, Robert C Balfour <> wrote:
>> arse. Get this client
>> Windoze and Linux version and believe it or not. It works the same  
>> in both.

	Don't forget it also runs on Mac OS X as well.

> Azureus is great, but the reason that it works the same in both is
> that it is written in Java. Which means a *huge* footprint, in terms
> of memory and CPU usage.

	Java with a GUI.   Even more resources munched.  Yum!
But in spite of that, I do like Azureus if I'm using a desktop.

	One of these days, I am going to try libbt or any other C-based
BitTorrent implementation to see if it's a little bit lighter on the  
footprint.  If anyone has used them before or knows of any place that
has a comparison of memory/CPU usage for different BitTorrent clients
I'd like to hear about that.


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