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Re: [tlug] about sanitize_e820_map()

Josh Glover wrote:
> Yes, you missed something. The consensus was that, while UTF-8 is a
> pretty good solution for true M17N, many 携帯 can only handle EUC or
> worse, Shit_JIS.

So for this list and anywhere else you need both Japanese and European,
the best (only workable) font encoding would be utf-8.

Ok -- that's a good thing.  The setup my ISP has for webmail handles
UTF-8 ok,  but seemingly can't handle ISO-2022.

Also, I've noticed that in some of the email I get from Japan, most of the
characters are fine but a few here and there come out garbage.  I know
there are  overlaps between the various font encodings, but since most of
the characters are correct when viewed in ISO2022, I've assumed it's the
right selection.  Are there different versions of the ISO2022 encodings or
am I just entirely in the wrong encoding?

Steve S.

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