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Re: [tlug] Kubuntu v5.10

On Sun, 25 Dec 2005 18:37:16 +0900, Josh Glover <> wrote:

> hy not use su *in addition to* sudo?
> sudo su - -c "insert your commands to be run as root here"
> That way, the password you are prompted for is yours.

You know, I'd never thought of that!

Thus that saying about old dogs and new tricks is invalidated...

G. Stewart -

"I don't understand that attitude.  Don't we want email that has dancing
 bears, cute little videos, musical tunes, animated waving hands, sixty
 fonts, and looks like it's been done with crayolas? Good grief, man,
 think like a three year old!"
                                   -- Norm Reitzel discussing HTML email

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