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Re: [tlug] Subversion (was: More Tech Meeting Torrents)

On 11/27/05, Josh Glover <> wrote:
Let it never be said that you aren't getting your money's worth from
the TLUG experience: we have two more torrents of A/V goodness from
the tech meeting!

(Edward, I downloaded this this morning without any trouble.  Not sure when you tried...)

I skimmed a bit of the subversion presentation and discovered you skipped the whole merging bit.  So, I've got a question: is there any way of doing history-sensitive merges, or has that bit of CVS's functionality fallen by the wayside?  CVS worked up to a point and then turned borderline useless if things started to get complicated, but it's still a pity if it's gone...

Everyone else (arch, darcs etc.) seems to be going in for merge simplification in a big way, it surprises me that svn needs you to find your ancestral split point by hand - and it still needs you to mention where you're merging from in the comment if you want to find the log of the branch that you're merging in from.  Although I did find which would probably improve matters.

Apart from that, I notice you mentioned hook scripts.  I was trying to set one up the other week to reject commits where CR line endings had crept in to files.  This was intended as a partial fix to the problem I mentioned earlier (that is, that you can't specify diff options to ignore whitespace on the svn diff command line). In fact, it would be a better solution in some ways, if only I could get it to work.  I suspect my problem was that the server is running Windows - the script I wrote didn't seem to be executing at all, no matter what I tried.  Don't suppose you have any suggestions, other than the one that goes hand in hand with why this is completely off topic for this list? ;-)

Would've had a peek at your website, but it seems to be down...


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