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Re: [tlug] Occam's Razor for SSH'ing to home

David Bennett might need to use a tunnel to ssh home from work, 
but because tunnels can be tricky and confusing, one should try 
simpler solutions first. Generally, the simplest solution that 
works is the best solution.'s_Razor

Particularly, try putting your home ssh server on ports 80 and 443. 

In detail, follow the instructions below. Using interleaved 
quoting (
report for each step what you did and what you observed. 
Cutting text from consoles and pasting the text in your reply 
makes this easy. 

1. Disable any web server on your home computer. 

2. Disable the ssh server on your home computer. 

3. Configure and start the ssh server on your home computer to 
   accept connections on port 80 from the internet. 

4. Verify that you can ssh into your home computer at port 80, 
   from some other computer on the internet (other than from work), 
   such as from a friend's place. 

5. If step 4 fails, stop. 

6. From your Win98 PC at work, try to ssh to port 80 on your 
   home computer. If that works, you have found a solution, so stop. 

7. Configure and restart the ssh server on your home computer to 
   accept connections on port 443 from the internet. 

8. Verify that you can ssh into your home computer at port 443, 
   from some other computer on the internet, such as from a 
   friend's place. 

9. If step 8 fails, stop. 

10. From your Win98 PC at work, try to ssh to port 443 on your 
    home computer. If that works, you have found a solution, so stop. 

11. You can ssh from some computer on the internet (other than the 
    Win98 PC at work), to your home computer at port 80 or port 443, 
    but you can not ssh from your Win98 PC at work to your home computer 
    on either port 80 or port 443. Having exhausted the simple 
    solutions, it is now time to try the tricky complicated solution 
    of using a tunnel. 

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