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Re: [tlug] SSH'ing to home with only port 80

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 10:09:19 +0900
David Bennett <> wrote:

>  As of yesterday only port 80 is open at work. I desperately need to
> be able to ssh into my computer at home. I was wonderig if there was
> any sort of tunnel/proxy solution that I could use?

Most corporate environments allow only http/https through a web proxy.
This is what I use:
    ProxyCommand /usr/bin/proxytunnel -g -G proxyport
-d -D 443

Of course you can type it on the command line too. Along with a
couple of portforwards, this is pretty useful.
BTW, proxytunnel is included in debian. I couldn't get corkscrew to


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