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Re: [tlug] JPG & GIF Issue

Hi Lyle,

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon wrote:
> [...]
> I had a batch of four .jpg files that I put on a floppy with a W-box, 
> and then when I was pulling them off the floppy with a Linux box (SuSE 
> 9.3), one of them was producing an error that forced me to hit "skip" to 
> get past it.  I reworked the file and retried a few times, but it was 
> consistently producing the same error, so I starting thinking about what 
> was different about that file.....

A few more details are needed:

What was the error message (always the #1 information).

What do you mean by "pulling"? Copying? Opening in an imaging software?
Only in the second case, you could think about a problem on the jpeg
file (unlikely).

More likely, the floppy could not be read for some reason.

> [...]


PS. I went to the nomikai, but did not recognize anybody... Maybe too 
early. I could not have staid long anyway :-(

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