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Re: [tlug] [tlug-digest] OT (sorta) A Langauge Question

On Tue, Jul 19, 2005 at 07:53:25PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> For study:
> Kenkyusha's "Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary" is a must.  Most
> English-Japanese dictionaries will spew kanji at you assuming that you
> know what the reading is.

Don't know that one... I'll have to check it out. I've been quite
happy with the Kodansha "Furigana English-Japanese Dictionary" and
companion "Furigana Japanese-English Dictionary". I actually find
I use the J/E a lot more that the E/J.

> Some kind of electronic dictionary is highly recommended.  If you have
> ambitions of learning to write, you should get something that does
> handwriting recognition.  The only ones I know of are the Sharp Zaurus
> SL series.  A bit pricey, but they are also pocket-sized fully-capable
> Linux hosts (well, I haven't seen Emacs running on one yet, but Python
> and Perl do).

The Genius ($B%8!<%K%"%9(B) E/J and J/E dictionaries seem to be included in 
many electronic dictionaries. They suck. Try to get something else.

For online, if you don't already know it, 
Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Japanese-English Dictionary Server at


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