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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][tlug] Re: NIS solved
- Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 04:42:09 -0400
- From: Scott Robbins <>
- Subject: [tlug] Re: NIS solved
- References: <> <>
- User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i
On Thu, May 19, 2005 at 10:21:37AM +0200, Godwin Stewart wrote: > On Wed, 18 May 2005 22:37:24 -0400, Scott <> wrote: > > > I feel the man page could be clearer, not sure if you're at all > > interested in the details, but I couldn't really figure out the > > difference between ypset and ypsetme. Turned out I had to do > > ypbind -ypsetme > > ypset (the NIS master) > > Haven't been replying much lately, have I? You can probably guess why. You mean your Copious Free Time(TM) is dwindling? So is mine. From an advocacy standpoint, I've been playing with the first desktop BSD--well, possibly the second if you count Freesbie, but at any rate, I even interviewed the developer for bsdnexus. > > NIS is something I've never looked into. Never had the need to, really, and > in fact I'm not entirely sure what it'a all about, so I'll bow to your > superior knowledge there :) <snicker> It's not terribly secure, but for better or worse, decisions have been made to let our outside firewall do the err, firewalling. > > Meanwhile I submitted another patch for sylpheed yesterday evening and this > one was merged into CVS (well, subversion is what Hiro is using for the > GTK2 version of sylpheed now instead of CVS) after a couple of changes. > > Ah, I wonder if that's why I had to update the port on FreeBSD yesterday (or maybe today--well, yesterday now. Yes, this time is correct--I had a horrible headache around midnight, and the only thing that works for me is extra strength Excedrin, which has a load of caffeine in it--I am going to be dragging today. > > Regarding this: > > "Linux Reference Center - sponsored by Microsoft"!!!!!!! > > I can just imagine a FAQ in the LRC sponsored by Microsoft: I should have kept the web reference--underneath, were various articles telling how MS is superior. Well, MS does do the best at printing IMHO. > > > > > Q: What are the advantages of Linux over Windows? > > A: None. Not for us anyway. Screw the consumers (we've got this down to a > fine art by now). That one was funny. :) The first one just petty. :) > > > Q: What are the advantages of Windows over Linux? > > A: Huge. You buy a copy of Windows, a cash till goes kachingggg and we 0wn3 > your PC. Plus you help maintain the antivirus and antispyware business. > > > Q: No, I mean from the point of view of the user... > > A: Uhh..... INTEROPERABILITY!! Just connect to the Internet and there are > already about 90,000 pieces of software ready to run flawlessly on your > system! Yes, without asking. Actually, in some fairness, if one puts in all the latest updates, they don't automagically run any old Active X program. Also, let's face it, the biggest reason MS is the biggest target is because 90 plus percent of computers run its O/S. Don't know what CERT lists you're on, but I just got a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng list of Mac OSX vulnerabilities. Of course, the virus writers figure why bother, who is running Mac? With these graphic artists, I'm getting more and more frustrated at Macs. What they do, they do well, but, for instance--we use, for some travelling people, a wireless card that connects to a phone network, for example Sprint. According to the web, Mac OSX can be used with it. So, after two hours on the phone, mostly on hold, with Apple, and Sprint, in the end, I google for another twenty minutes--find a script that should work, but it doesn't. Mac--google for an hour and it might work. > > > I ought to do a spoof interview along these lines and publish it on my > website.... You should, some of them were funny. Yet, especially dealing with end users, in many ways, I have to hand it to MS. Apple might have beat them, but it was the classic example of good product, bad marketing, and I believe Win95 was already using pre-emptive multi tasking. Mac didn't until OSX. I can't see that they make a huge profit margin in hardware either, so that was their biggest mistake, not letting others make it, again in my opinion. OTOH, I see that they give unlimited licensing for their servers for $1000. As we have a data base that can run on either MS or Mac, I'm beginning to wish my boss wasn't so against them. (A lot of this is political--these graphic artists are getting everything they want, because the child company for whom they work is considered a possible real cash cow, and my boss resents it. However, they, the artists that is, are ~usually~ reasonable. They understand when they screw up--for instance, we got them a laptop that we were told was supposed to be for the main management person of that division to travel. Today, we were told that they had planned to use it for freelancers working with them, so it needs all the graphics programs as well. Interestingly enough (I'm digressing completely here) I see that the latest versions of Panther use bash as the default shell in the terminal, it was always csh, as in the BSDs. We were joking today, saying that they're running out of big cats--Jaguar, Panther and now Tiger. I said, hrrm, in another year, we'll see.... MAC OSX 10.8.9 DOMESTIC SHORTHAIR. Yes, we've tamed the Mac for your house. :) > > "I don't understand that attitude. Don't we want email that has dancing > bears, cute little videos, musical tunes, animated waving hands, sixty > fonts, and looks like it's been done with crayolas? Good grief, man, > think like a three year old!" Y'know, I used to set the users' email to plain text. Eventually, I gave up, as first boss one wanted colored fonts, then boss 2, then everyone was like, well, they have it, and we just gave up. As Dan (my boss) said, "We have too many bigger battles to fight." (Including drastic changes in a mission critical app that no longer has support.) :) -- Scott Robbins PGP keyID EB3467D6 ( 1B48 077D 66F6 9DB0 FDC2 A409 FA54 EB34 67D6 ) gpg --keyserver --recv-keys EB3467D6 Joyce: You belong in a good old fashioned college with keg parties and boys. Not here with Hellmouths and vampires. Buffy: Not really seeing the distinction.Attachment: pgp00003.pgp
Description: PGP signature
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- Re: [tlug] Re: NIS solved
- From: Scott Robbins
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