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Re: [tlug] Floppy Trouble(?!)

>>>>> "Botond" == Botond Botyanszki <> writes:

    >> 1) The floppy drive isn't working.  I get this error message:
    >> "The process for the *media* protocol died unexpectedly"
    >> 2) The mouse (running through a KVM switch) isn't working.

    Botond> You know, these sentences are analogous to telling you
    Botond> doctor "I'm sick".  If you don't provide information,
    Botond> don't expect to get answers.

Yeah, well that's probably about all the information he's getting.  #1
on Dave Letterman's "Top 10 Reasons Why GUI Bites The Big One" list.

Lyle: try grepping the logs (most likely /var/log/{syslog,messages,daemons}) 
for "media" and see if you get anything interesting.

My guess as to why an upgrade killed your mouse is that GPM stole it.
"ls /dev/mouse* /dev/gpm*" will tell you on a conventional /dev, I'm not
sure ihow to say that in devfs.  Maybe B0ti can help with that.  :-)

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