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Re: [tlug] Re: Alan Cox's remark at Fosdem

On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 08:52:14 +0900, simon colston <> wrote:
> I have next to zero interest in Plan 9. 

I don't care if you never use Plan 9. That is not the point. 
Having gone used nearly every version of Unix and worked
with various "trusted" Unix environments, I can say that
Unix has some serious problems. Problems that to date
have been given band-aids in attempt to correct a wound.
Just seeing the enormous amount of code required to 
improve the situation make me think that things were not
done right in the first place. Why not take a look at other
ways to improve the situation? I am tired of seeing folks
develop empty engineering ideas to a already bloated 
environment. IMHO, something has to give somewhere,
someday. I'd rather address the problem than let it ride.

It's quite alright to disagree, but at least consider the idea
before dismissal. 


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