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Re: [tlug] Mobile carrier Mail delivery question

Hi Robert,

My company, an advertisement agency, does mail to Mobile and as the Head 
of IT I am actually processing contract for the three carriers.
The setup cost is around 80,000 Yens for 3 carriers and the production 
cost is around 40,000 Yens.
The price vary depdning on the number of mailhost and therefore Ip you 
declare and the number of session.
If you need more info, please let me know.


Robert Fisher wrote:
> Good afternoon
> This is my first time to post so I will introduce myself.  I am Robert 
> Fisher, I am working for Inphase Co., LTD. which is a partner with 
> DoubleClick Japan.  I am THE systems administrator at the moment.  I 
> love Linux. 
> I have a question for the group.  I want to send emails to mobile 
> phones.  However, I have heard that the mobile carriers 
> (docomo,vodafone,au) will start to block after so many emails coming 
> from a MTA.  Has anyone heard something like this?  if you have, do you 
> know where the hard proof is?
> Thanks in advance
> Robert Fisher
> Inphase Co., Ltd.

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