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[tlug] Re: VPN

On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 07:14:29PM +0900, Luca BARTOLOMEO wrote:
> David is right, FreeS/WAN had discontinued because from k2.6 there is
> a native support for IPSEC, called KAME (I had very very old system
> that worked with FreeS/WAN, not so bad).

Well, the actual reason for the dismissal of FreeS/WAN was they didn't
reach the declared primary goal of the project (and the funders):
widespread use of their "Opportunistic Encryption" feature (in essence,
a method for securing Internet connections in a user-transparent

You can read the full story at

 David Santinoli, Milano             +   <>
 Independent Linux/Unix consultant   +

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