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Re: [tlug] C vs. other languages (was: tlug-digest Digest V2004 #194)

On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 03:39:07PM -0700, Steve Smith wrote:
> Unfortuantly, OO is not easy to learn -- especially if you
> have been doing embedded and C for years.  I don't think
> most people think object-oriented -- they think "first I'll
> do this, then that, then the other..." 

i agree with that.
for me it helped greatly to have an environment that was already object
oriented to start with. with that i had no choice but to write my code
to fit the environment.

when writing new modules for this environment i didn't think about OO.
that was completely irrelevant. i only knew that i needed this line 
  inherit "module";
in the beginning, and needed to have functions with certain names. (like
main() in c.) and that was it. 

a few years later, it oo-understanding fell out of the sky.
i suddenly understood that a module was a class, and that i was
encapsulating methods and data which belonged together.

the environment in this case were the roxen and caudium webservers
which is extended by modules which happened to be classes.
roxen and caudium are written in pike which defines each file as a
class, which allows a very natural approach to OO without any additional
code to define a class needed.

greetings, martin.
looking for a job doing pike programming, sTeam/caudium/pike/roxen training,
sTeam/caudium/roxen and/or unix system administration anywhere in the world.
pike programmer   travelling and working in europe  
unix system-                       iaeste.(|or).at
administrator     (stuts|black.linux-m68k).org        
Martin Bähr

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