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- Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 19:26:34 +0900 (JST)
- From: Joe <>
- Subject: [tlug] Off topic question
Hi guys, I have an off-topic question so to keep the noise down for others please reply offline to my email address. I'm going to be in Japan for the annual sadomasochistic festival otherwise known as JLPT. To do the exam outside of Japan is a very simple matter however to do it within Japan means I have to buy a JEES application form from a bookstore in Japan. That'd be easy too if I was actually in living in Japan at present. :) Is there any easier way of doing this?? ie a downloadable form or if not a pretty easy to deal with website like amazon that I can order from o/s? The worst part about this is it's for only a 500yen item :) Any help much appreciated! Joe
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