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Re: [tlug] OpenOffice-1.2.2

Scott wrote:

>As my main need is simply .doc .xls and .csv compatibility, those new
>features you mention are less important to me than they would be to
>someone using it constantly.  (Heh, I never even looked to see if there
>was ever a word count feature, as I never needed it.)   
There was a "statistics" feature, but it was buried fairly deep in the 
menus and it only gave the word count for the entire document - I used 
to copy-paste stuff into an empty page to check word count for sections 
of large files.  Normally I'm not concerned with word-count either, but 
some stuff I write is to order and they want a certain wordage, and then 
the feature becomes vital.

Thanks for bringing the opening speed to my (& everyone's) attention, I 
hadn't noticed that, as I was focusing on other aspects of the program.

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