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Re: [tlug] rf noise

Both Jonathon and Alain are on the same track as me. 

My case is metal and built stronger than the Bizmark but electrically it
is one peice so I assume that the whole thing is becomes an antenna.
Come to think of it I don't even know which components are producing
radiation, other than the fan motors and CPU. I had thought of putting a
layer of insulating foam and foil around the sides and top.

Moving the box is the most obvious thing. How far can you practically run 
 * video (of course it depends on cable quality)
 * keybroad and mouse
 * USB (no point in running audio cables to that digital sound module

I first tried setting up a home studio over 5 years ago but the
technology was too expensive. It is amazing what can be done these days.
There is a lot of GNU Linux software available, including software
synths and audio effects (chorus etc), Mr Moog himself has endorsed a
Moog simulator.


Brett Robson 
Systems Administrator
Phone: 03-3239-6856    International: +81-3-3239-6856

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