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Re: [tlug] Best Linux Distribution with Japanese Support

On Wed, 2003-10-15 at 21:29, kayamboo wrote:
> Hi 
>    I am looking for a Linux Distribution which comes with the best Japanese Support.( I am not looking for a Japanese Version like Debian JP or Redhat rpms). I prefer a  English one where I get Japanese input and display on X and if possible on console. I would like to hear  the Lug-ies experience preferably on the source based linux distros.

Anything gtk2 and up works with utf8.
add in Wnn/Canna and im-ja (which mostly works wonderfully adn whose
author is on the list) and there you go. 日本語 support :)
no problem decoding e-mail either(as long as mail headers are set up
correctly) (except that Fedora's 1 beta 3 evolution crashes sometimes
with im-ja and doesnt light-on selected kanji, and some other issues
with others apps , and it wont work with mozilla (use galeon or epiphany
instead, as im-ja is for gtk2)) I can only say its great.

Though I always have problems reading other people's code, I havent
understood it right...

Now, if you want something source-based, how about gentoo?
> KS
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