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Re: [tlug] Japanese input

> When you have glibc compiled with a Japanese locale (as you obviously
> have), you can just start most any application with the environment
> variables that are found in the langx script, and tadaa! Japanese
> support. Though I find kmail lacks some Japanese fonts here and there.

mmmmmmmmmmh, ok ok ok ..... 
yes i understand the necessity of using kterm for text-only programs, 
but i didn t catch that there is no need for others... just their proper 
environment to change.

> As a matter of interest, I don't have a langx script, but one called euc
> and one called utf. One specifiec euc_JP encoding (same as langx), while
> the other specifies UTF-8. Only euc works on gentoo Linux though.

... and you use them the same way i do for langx ? ::
> euc prog              
> utf prog
from execute_command ? 

sorry, i don t catch well ... 


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